Indigenous Health

La política de salud para pueblos indígenas en “El Impenetrable”, provincia de Chaco (Argentina)

Indigenous Studies / Intercultural Communication / Indigenous Health / Indigenous Peoples

Experimental Life Tables by Remoteness, Queensland, 2002-04 and 2005-07

Indigenous Studies / Indigenous Health / Aboriginal Health / Aboriginal Studies / Techniques in Construction and Use of Life Tables

Consistency of denominator data in electronic health records in Australian primary healthcare services: enhancing data quality

Government / Indigenous Health / Health / Public Health / Healthcare / Scientific / Educational / Scientific / Educational


Social Change / Health Promotion / Social epidemiology / Indigenous Health / Stigma / Sexuality / Collective Action / Social Exclusion / Public Health / Community Participation / Social Inequality / Malnutrition / Hiv Aids / Power and Empowerment / Sexuality / Collective Action / Social Exclusion / Public Health / Community Participation / Social Inequality / Malnutrition / Hiv Aids / Power and Empowerment

Salud reproductiva e Interculturalidad en el Yucatan de hoy

Medical Anthropology / Indigenous Studies / Indigenous Health / Action Research (Indigenous Health) / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Mayan Studies / Traditional Midwifery, Birth Attendants, Maternal Health, Childbirth / Mayan culture / Mayan Studies / Traditional Midwifery, Birth Attendants, Maternal Health, Childbirth / Mayan culture

Estar Enfermo - Estar Sano

Indigenous Health / Anthropology of Health and Illness / Indigenous Women's transformative potential in health and wellbeing

Luchas por la Hegemonía y el Derecho a la Salud Indígena

Indigenous Health / Hegemony and Counter-Hegemony / Indigenous policies in Argentina / Antropologia de la salud y de la enfermedad

CHAPTER: 2000. \"Los Nukak: demografía, contacto y enfermedad\", pp. 319-360. Amazonia Colombiana: enfermedades y epidemias. Un estudio de bioantropología histórica. A. J. Gómez, H. A. Sotomayor, A. C. Lesmes (eds.). Bogotá. Ministerio de Cultura.ISBN 9588052580

Demography / Anthropology / Indigenous Studies / Ethnography / Indigenous Health / Colombia / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Amazonia / Health / South American indigenous languages / Indigenous Peoples / Cultural Anthropology / Etnography / Amazonian Studies / Demografía / Indigenismo / Amazonian Ethnology / Cultural and Social Anthropology / .Medical Anthropology / Amazonian indigenous peoples / Nomadic/Indigenous People / Historia de la Amazonía / Nukak / Colombia / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Amazonia / Health / South American indigenous languages / Indigenous Peoples / Cultural Anthropology / Etnography / Amazonian Studies / Demografía / Indigenismo / Amazonian Ethnology / Cultural and Social Anthropology / .Medical Anthropology / Amazonian indigenous peoples / Nomadic/Indigenous People / Historia de la Amazonía / Nukak

ARTICLE: 1998. \"La nutrición de los Nukak una sociedad amazónica en proceso de contacto\". En: Maguare. No. 13: 117-142. Bogotá. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. ISSN 0120304005

Indigenous Studies / Nutrition / Ethnography / Indigenous Health / Indigenous Knowledge / Food and Nutrition / Amazonia / Health / South American indigenous languages / Indigenous Peoples / Cultural Anthropology / Human Nutrition / Amazonian Studies / Amazonian Ethnology / História Da Alimentação / Saúde / Antropología de la alimentación / Povos Indígenas / SAÚDE INDÍGENA / Northwest Amazon / Pueblos indígenas / Alimentación / Historia de la alimentación / Indigenous People and Health / História e Cultura da Alimentação / Historio Dos Povos Indigenad O Alto Rio Negro / Nomadic/Indigenous People / Nukak / Food and Nutrition / Amazonia / Health / South American indigenous languages / Indigenous Peoples / Cultural Anthropology / Human Nutrition / Amazonian Studies / Amazonian Ethnology / História Da Alimentação / Saúde / Antropología de la alimentación / Povos Indígenas / SAÚDE INDÍGENA / Northwest Amazon / Pueblos indígenas / Alimentación / Historia de la alimentación / Indigenous People and Health / História e Cultura da Alimentação / Historio Dos Povos Indigenad O Alto Rio Negro / Nomadic/Indigenous People / Nukak

El Chaco en Buenos Aires. Entre la identidad y el desplazamiento

Medical Anthropology / Ontology / Indigenous Studies / Social Identity / Indigenous Health / Migration / Identity (Culture) / Shamanism / Indigenous Knowledge / Cultural Identity / Language and Identity / Migration Studies / Migration (Anthropology) / Indigenous Peoples / Ethnicity / Anthropology of Shamanism / Ethnic Identities / Ontological Anthropology / Ontological Politics / Anthropology of Lowland South America / Gran Chaco / Ontological Turn / Area and Cultural Studies / Argentine Chaco Qom/Toba people / Migration / Identity (Culture) / Shamanism / Indigenous Knowledge / Cultural Identity / Language and Identity / Migration Studies / Migration (Anthropology) / Indigenous Peoples / Ethnicity / Anthropology of Shamanism / Ethnic Identities / Ontological Anthropology / Ontological Politics / Anthropology of Lowland South America / Gran Chaco / Ontological Turn / Area and Cultural Studies / Argentine Chaco Qom/Toba people

Granizadas de semillas, enfermedad y depredación en el chamanismo nahua: la mediación ritual a través de la polifonía de perspectivas

Cultural History / Cultural Studies / Indigenous Studies / Indigenous or Aboriginal Studies / Cultural Heritage / Ethnography / Indigenous Health / Cosmology (Anthropology) / Ritual / Shamanism / Indigenous Knowledge / Indigenous Peoples / Ritual (Anthropology) / Ritual Theory / Anthropology of Shamanism / Etnologia / Shamanism and Shamanic Healing / Nomadic/Indigenous People / Ethnography / Indigenous Health / Cosmology (Anthropology) / Ritual / Shamanism / Indigenous Knowledge / Indigenous Peoples / Ritual (Anthropology) / Ritual Theory / Anthropology of Shamanism / Etnologia / Shamanism and Shamanic Healing / Nomadic/Indigenous People
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